Thursday, November 24, 2011

Those Early Morning Bangs

I wouldn't say it happens every morning but maybe 2 or 3 times a week, I hear what sounds like gunshots going off. With guns being illegal here, one might think that there was some terrible pothole on the road causing dozens of blown tires or children who have an affinity for popping balloons in my complex. A couple weeks ago, I stumbled upon the real reason for these noises, and a rather joyous reason at that.

This is the aftermath of a long round of firecrackers. While on my way home from the bank, I saw these fire off for about 2-3 minutes, stopping foot traffic and causing those closest to protect their ears. Unfortunately, I didn't think to break out my iTouch until it had concluded. For what reason would people set off firecrackers at 10 in the morning?

How about as a welcome home for a newly wedded couple? I didn't want to dive into the crowd of family and friends just to get a better photo of their doorway, but they were placing the Chinese character for double-happiness on their doorway, which symbolizes marriage.

Double Happiness
So now when I hear big bangs in the morning, I no longer think of gunshots and violence, I think of the happiness of marriage and mourn the loss of some young man's freedom.

I'm just kidding (a little, I guess), Happy Thanksgiving to all those who celebrated weddings this year!

Stephen "Scuba" Lauer

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